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Operation HELP/Fresh Harvest Pantry

Operation HELP/Fresh Harvest Pantry


About Us

The mission of Operation HELP is to help residents of St. Croix County and adjacent communities maintain stable living situations, food security, emotional well-being, and personal dignity when they experience temporary financial hardships.

The primary goals of Operation HELP services, articulated in the mission statement, are to help clients:
• Maintain stable housing situations
• Support health and physical well-being
• Experience emotional well-being and personal dignity when they face temporary financial hardships

Operation HELP accomplishes this through:

• Rent, utilities, car repair payment assistance
• Access to safe, nutritious food through the Fresh Harvest Pantry food shelf and school-based food programs including Backpacks through the Hudson School District
• Access to personal care and basic necessity items, connections to community resources, and emotional support through the Resource Center
• Special programs focused on basic and emotional needs of children including the annual Christmas program and diaper bank


  • Emergency Financial Assistance—Help with rent, utility, and car repair expenses.
  • Fresh Harvest Pantry—Daily walk-in service, curbside pick-up or delivery.
  • Resource Center—Basic necessities include socks, underwear, toiletries, pet food, vouchers for gas, food, and clothing.
  • Diaper Bank—Monthly supplies of diapers and wipes for families with young children.
  • Temporary Emergency Shelter—Short-term emergency motel lodging for people without shelter facing health or safety risks.

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